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  4. 13–17 May 2024: 5-day hedgerow medicine course - Ashwellthorpe, 10.30 to 4.30 each day

13–17 May 2024: 5-day hedgerow medicine course - Ashwellthorpe, 10.30 to 4.30 each day


An opportunity to receive hands-on tuition in making a wide range of herbal medicines, including: tinctures, glycerites, poultices, oils, ointments, flower essences, distillates, oxymels and electuaries. We will also cover basic botany, how to create herbal formulae and look at ways to evaluate constitutions and restore balance in the body. The longer format allows us to dive deeper into the herbs and their uses, while also providing a great opportunity for us and the group to get to know each other. Expect excellent vegan food and to take away lots of medicines you have made yourself. Please contact us if you would like more information, including a list of local accommodation.

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